login="Log in" logout="Log out" username="Username" password="Password" back="Back to the previous page" about_estetiikka="About Estetiikka" credits="Credits" albums="Albums" owner="Owner" description="Description" photographs="Photographs" add_photo_title="Upload photograph" add_photo_info="Here you can send your photographs to the gallery! Just fill the form below and click Send photograph -button." photo_information="Photograph information" album_selection="Select album for your photograph" title="Title" taken_date="Date when photograph was taken" taken_location="Location where photograph was taken" photo_file="Photograph file" use_old_album="Use existing album" old_album_info="Add your photograph to existing photoalbum. Just select album from below." create_new_album="Create a new album" create_album_info="Create a new album for your photograph. You can add more photos to this album later by selecting it from dropdown list." send_photo="Send photograph" select_album="Select album..." search_photos="Search photographs" search_key="Search for" search="Search" estetiikka_settings="Gallery settings" settings="Settings" add_photo="Add photograph" users="Users" profile="User profile" sent_by="Sent by" taken="Taken" added="Added" album="Album" location="Location" click_to_enlarge="Click for larger image" look_user_info="Show user's profile" add_comment="Add comment" modify_photo="Edit photograph" remove_photo="Remove photograph" comment="Comment" modify_comment="Edit" remove_comment="Remove" browse_album="Browse album" modified="Modified at" unknown="Unknown" add_to_favourites="Add to favourites" remove_from_favourites="Remove from favourites" favourites="Favourites" update_photo="Update photograph" save_changes="Save changes" search_results="Search results" email="E-mail" homepage="Homepage" photographs="Photographs" comments="Comments" last_login="Last login" create_user="Create a new user" contact_information="Contact information" all_photos="All photographs" sex="Sex" female="Female" male="Male" icq="ICQ/AOL" msn="MSN" jabber="Jabber" skype="Skype" realname="Real name" latest_photos="Latest photographs" no_photos_for_user="This user doesn't have any photographs in gallery." default_language="Default language" default_theme="Default theme" gallery_title="Title of the gallery" max_resolution="Maximum resolution for photographs" original_size="Original size" settings_info="This page contains some of the settings that Estetiikka provides. For all settings, please look at config/config.cfg configuration file." new_comments="New comments" new_photos="New photographs" no_new_photos="No new photographs available." no_new_comments="No new comments available on any photograph." show_all="Show all" number_of_users="Users" pages="Pages" next="Next" previous="Previous" change_password="Change password" new_password="New password" new_repeat_password="Repeat new password" browse_photographs="Browse photographs" browse_albums="Browse albums" new_user="New user" has_admin_privileges="This user has administrator's privileges" privileges="Privileges" avatar="Avatar" remove_user="Remove user" remove_user_question="Are you sure you want to remove user" remove_album_question="Are you sure you want to remove album" remove_photo_question="Are you sure you want to remove photograph and it's comments?" participated_list="Here is a list of people who have participated Estetiikka project." about_text="Estetiikka is an open source Web-gallery software that was created just for fun. It's written with PHP version 5 and it uses MySQL database to store data. If you want to participate somehow please see project's homepage for further information." ok_title_1="No photographs" ok_body_1="You haven't added any photographs to your favourites!" ok_title_2="No results found" ok_body_2="Your search didn't match any photographs." ok_title_3="Profile updated" ok_body_3="Your profile information is updated." ok_title_4="Settings saved" ok_body_4="Global Estetiikka settings has been updated." ok_title_5="Password changed" ok_body_5="Your password is changed now. Use your new password next time you login to the system." ok_title_6="New user created" ok_body_6="New user was created succesfully." error_title_1="Log in failed!" error_body_1="Your username or password was invalid! Please try again." error_title_2="Failure!" error_body_2="You didn't write anything to the comment field. Please try again." error_title_3="Failure!" error_body_3="Updating password failed, because of faulty input! Please try again."